How to Set Up a VPN on Windows 7 | PPTP

How to Configure

  1. Open Network and Sharing Center in the Control Panel
    . Go to the Windows Menu, then Control Panel
    . Click on Network and Internet
    . Click on Network and Sharing Center
  2. Click Setup a new connection or network
  3. Choose Connect to a workplace then Next
  4. Click Use my Internet Connection (VPN)
  5. Enter your vpn address in the Server Address field (you get it from your VPN provider)
  6. Type My VPN in the Destination name: field
  7. Check Don’t connect now then Next
  8. Type in your Login or user and Password in their respective fields; leave Domain blank
  9. Check Remember this password
  10. Click Create and then Close

How to Connect

  1. In the Windows Taskbar, click on the Network icon
  2. Click on My VPN, then click on the Connect button
  3. Type in your Login or username and Password in their respective fields
  4. Click Connect

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